The Chocolatier Series Wiki

Welcome to the Community Portal!

The Community Portal is a place for other editors to discuss among others and their peers. They can check poll archives, create fanon articles, check news, and many more. Note that this is a work-in-progress!

Fanon Articles[]

Fanon Articles are created by the editors, the users, those who are not part of the main developers, to create their own spin-offs, new titles and much more as fanon articles. This is where editors can go wild, adding as much as they desire to create whatever they want to their heart's content.

Create a fanon article below and make sure to read the guidelines here on how to follow rules on fanon articles! View the Fanon Games category to have a look at what others have created.

Fan-made Recipes[]

As seen on ingredient and confection pages, users on the Chocolatier Series Wiki can create recipes of their own and share it. You can also create pages on the wiki that showcase them, using the prefix "Recipe".

Create a recipe here in the box below. Make sure to follow the same structure of recipes that already exist in the Chocolatier games. View the Fanon Recipes category to have a look at what others have created.

High Scores[]

High scores can be found here: The Chocolatier Series Wiki:High Scores

Poll Archives[]

For the full list: The Chocolatier Series Wiki:Poll Archives
